Search Results for: reynolds creek
16800 estimated matches
CSH (Closed Shrublands: Lands with woody vegetation less than 2 meters tall and with shrub canopy cover >60%. The shrub foliage can be either evergreen or deciduous.) ... The site is located on the USDA-ARS's Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed. It is dominated by low sagebrush on land managed by USDI Bureau of Land Management.
Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed And Critical Zone Observatory; Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed And Critical Zone Observatory. May 30, 2019. Sites: US-Rls, US-Rms, US-Rws;
The site is located on the USDA-ARS's Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed. It is dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush on land managed by USDI Bureau of ...
The site is located on the USDA-ARS's Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed. It is a mixed sagebrush site on land managed by USDI Bureau of Land Management. This site’s data can also be used under the more restrictive AmeriFlux Legacy Policy.
Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed And Critical Zone Observatory. by Gerald Flerchinger - May 30, 2019
TEAK has been designated as one of two relocatable terrestrial sites for the Pacific Southwest domain. The core aquatic site, Teakettle Creek, is just south of the terrestrial site. The National Ecological Observatory Network is a project solely funded by the National Science Foundation and managed under cooperative agreement by Battelle.
A wind rose gives a succinct view of how wind speed and direction are typically distributed at a particular location.Presented in a circular format, a wind rose shows the frequency and intensity of winds blowing from particular directions. The length of each “spoke” around the circle indicates the amount of time (frequency) that the wind blows from a particular direction.
This page displays the list of downloads of data for the site {{siteId}}. Note: Results are the number of downloads to distinct data users. The Download Count column indicates the number of times the data user downloaded the data.
Site Description - The site is located on the USDA-ARS's Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed. It is a mixed sagebrush site on land managed by USDI Bureau of Land Management. None provided. For support, contact
Use the information below for citation of this site. See the Data Policy page for more details.. DOI(s) for citing US-ALQ data. Data Use Policy: AmeriFlux CC-BY-4.0 License This site’s data can also be used under the more restrictive AmeriFlux Legacy Policy. The AmeriFlux Legacy Policy must be followed if US-ALQ data are combined with data from sites that require the AmeriFlux Legacy Policy.