I am pleased to announce the AmeriFlux 20th Anniversary Special Issue in the journal Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
Manuscripts are solicited from across the broad spectrum of research using flux data or flux sites.
We are particularly interested in studies that examine linkages among ecosystem processes and the environment, test innovative observational and analytical approaches, or explore new approaches to model-data synthesis. Papers in this special issue will improve our understanding of ecosystem processes and serve as road maps for future directions in ecology and land-atmosphere research.
Submissions will be accepted from December 1, 2016, through February 28, 2017.
To make sure that Ag and Forest Met routes your submission to the AmeriFlux Special Issue, choose article type: SI: AmeriFlux 20th anniversary during the submission process.
Background: It has been 20 years since the official formation of the AmeriFlux network, a grassroots coalition of the willing dedicated to the measurement of carbon, water and energy fluxes between the land surface and the atmosphere. Since its inception in 1996 with just 15 sites, the network has grown to 240+ sites, of which more than 120 sites across the Americas are currently active. Just in the past four years, more than 70 sites have joined the network. Together, the network provides a wealth of information on ecosystem function and the response of ecosystems to changes in their environment. This special issue celebrates the 20th anniversary of the AmeriFlux network, showcasing the depth and variety of research that it enables.
Best regards from the Guest Editors,
Ken Davis, Trevor Keenan, Kim Novick, and Margaret Torn
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