If you missed the 2015 AmeriFlux Data and Tech Workshop, you can now view videos of several presentations from the workshop online. These presentation may be of use to AmeriFlux tower teams, AmeriFlux data users, and anyone with interest in flux, meteorological, and BADM data.
Follow the links below to watch the presentation videos.
- See how to easily convert BADM data into the standardized AmeriFlux BADM format from Dario Papale.
- Find out how submitted BADM data are validated and stored from Cristina Poindexter.
- Learn about data upload mechanisms (including the new mechanism for high frequency data uploads) from Gilberto Pastorello.
- Get a preview of the upcoming FLUXNET dataset including gapfilling, partitioning and uncertainty estimation from Dario Papale.
- Find out about the supplementary data QC step for flux and meteorology data from Cristina Poindexter.
- Learn about measuring leaf predawn water potential from Siyan Ma.
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