Peatlands store substantial amounts of carbon and are vulnerable to climate change. We present a modified version of the Organising Carbon and Hydrology In Dynamic Ecosystems (ORCHIDEE) land surface model… More
It is necessary to partition eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide exchange into its offsetting gross fluxes, canopy photosynthesis, and ecosystem respiration, to understand the biophysical controls on the net… More
Eddy covariance measurements of the carbon dioxide flux from an ombrotrophic bog near Ottawa, Canada, were made between June 1, 1998, and May 31, 1999. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2… More
Dual-probe heat-capacity (DPHC) sensors can be used to measure soil heat capacity (C), water content, and temperature. Research was conducted to test design factors that affect sensor calibration, including: (i)… More
Eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange (NEE) were taken at an ombrotrophic bog near Ottawa, Canada from 1 June 1998 to 31 May 2002. Temperatures during… More
Above-ground biomass was measured at bog hummock, bog hollow and poor-fen sites in Mer Bleue, a large, raised ombrotrophic bog near Ottawa, Ont., Canada. The average above-ground biomass was 587 g m−2… More
Groundwater flow patterns and geochemistry were studied in the Mer Bleue bog, near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Groundwater flow patterns alternated between recharge, i.e. head gradients producing flow from the surface… More