About AmeriFlux Management Project
In 2012 DOE established the AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) to support the broad AmeriFlux community and the AmeriFlux sites. AMP collaborates with AmeriFlux scientists to ensure the quality and availability of the continuous, long-term ecosystem measurements necessary to understand these ecosystems and to build effective models and multisite syntheses. To assure that data from this network of independent sites are comparable and consistent, AMP deploys a technical team with its specialized mobile flux instrumentation to visit AmeriFlux sites each summer, and works with site investigators to verify the quality of their data.
AMP works with the scientific community to:
- Enhance observations of ecosystem fluxes at all AmeriFlux sites, with direct operational support to selected sites to assure long-term, high quality data
- Ensure the accuracy of AmeriFlux measurements through site visits with portable eddy covariance systems, regular calibrations, and data quality checks
- Enable scientists to quantify effects of disturbances (e.g., wildfire) with portable rapid response systems
- Provide open-access data that are consistent, standardized, and tailored to user needs
- Strengthen the AmeriFlux community and its junior scientists by producing annual principal investigator and data meetings and offering hands-on trainings
- Evaluate and use innovative instrumentation and measurement methods
- Promote best safety practices at AmeriFlux sites
Leadership Roles
Dr. Margaret Torn, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, leads the AmeriFlux Management Project. She is also Senior Advisor within the Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division, and program lead for Atmospheric Systems Research and Terrestrial Ecosystem Science.
Prof. Dennis Baldocchi, UC Berkeley, College of Natural Resources, is co-principal investigator; he also serves as FLUXNET coordinator.
You-Wei Cheah, LBNL, leads the Data team. She is also department head of Data Science and Technology at LBNL.
Dr. Sébastien Biraud, LBNL, leads the Tech team. He is also department head for Climate Sciences at LBNL, and PI for ARM ACME and Infrastructure projects
Prof. Trevor Keenan, LBNL and UC Berkeley, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, leads the Outreach team.
Meet the whole team on the People page.
The AmeriFlux Science Steering Committee meets at least twice annually. The SSC members serves as an independent scientific advisory committee, and provides advice to the AmeriFlux Management Team on serving the Network. Membership is around 10-15 people, and include participants from the international science community.