​​AmeriFlux Annual PI Meeting Breakout Posters

Links: Meeting Agenda | Abstracts | List of Participants | Meeting Packet | Breakout Posters

Breakout posters, reporting on discussions

Data synthesis: making the whole more than the sum of the parts
Led by Sebastian Wolf & Dennis Baldocchi


Belowground processes and their linkage with aboveground eddy fluxes
Led by Jim Tang


Better ways to deal with and share data
Led by Ben Bond-Lamberty


Extreme events, climate variability and ecosystem functions
Led by Lianhong Gu & Bev Law

4aExtremeEvents 4bExtremeEvents (1)

Eddy covariance practices and instrumentation — new advances, insights, and preserving the utility of long-term flux records
Led by Russ Scott


The Next Big Thing in carbon cycle science
Led by Margaret Torn (a la World Café)


Site- and network-level priorities for the collection and synthesis of biometric data
Led by Kim Novick


Specnet and Fluxnet, combining optical and flux measurements
Led by Fred Huemmrich
